13th Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics

Electronic Proceedings

13th Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98) was held in Protvino, Russia in 8-12 September 1998.

The Proceedings was published by the World Scientific Publishing Company in September 1999.


Neither the Editors of the SPIN98 Proceedings, nor the Publisher, World Scientific, take no responsibility for the contents and the shape of this electronic proceedings.

C.Prescott (SLAC). Welcome address
Plenary talks
L.Pondrom (Wisconsin). Current Status of Spin Studies.
D.Crabb (Virginia). Solid Polarized Targets for Particle Physics Experiments.
H.Ejiri (Osaka). Neutrino Nuclear Spin Responses and Nuclear Medium Effect.
G.Fidecaro (CERN). Early History of Spin Experiments.
I.Savin (Dubna). Results on Polarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering from SMC.
E.Hughes (SLAC). SLAC Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiments.
V.Petrov (IHEP). Nucleon Spin Puzzle: Ten Years Later...
E.Burtin (DAPNIA/SPhN). Strange Form Factors of the Proton: Results from HAPPEX at Jefferson Lab.
A.Penzo (Trieste). Future Spin Experiments.
A.de Roeck (DESY). Future Physics with Polarized Protons at HERA.
S.Vigdor (Indiana Univ.). The RHIC Spin Program: Snapshots of Progress.
A.Bravar (Mainz). Experimental Overview of Spin Effects in Hadronic Interactions at High Energies.
T.Roser (BNL). Acceleration of Polarized Proton Beams.
T.Cheng (Missouri). Nonperturbative QCD Spin Studies.
P.Ratcliffe (Milan). Theory of Spin Effects in Hard Hadronic Reactions.
A.Masaike (KEK). Spin as a Probe of Space-Time Symmetries in Low and Intermediate Energy Region.
A.Efremov (Dubna). Highlights of Dubna SPIN97 Workshop.
D.Barber (DESY). Acceleration and Storage of Polarized Electron Beams.
A.Belov (Moscow). Polarized Ion Sources for High-Energy Accelerators.
Yu.Mamaev (St. Petersburg). Report from LE98 Workshop.
A.Krisch (Michigan). Summary Talk.
Spin structure of nucleon
O.Teryaev (JINR). Transverse Spin/Transverse Momentum Analogy and Gauge Invariance of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering.
J.Le Goff (DAPNIA). A Next to Leading Order QCD Analysis of the Spin Structure Function g1 of the Nucleon.
S.Troshin (IHEP). Low-x Behavior of Spin Structure Functions: Unitarity and Nonperturbative Hadron Structure.
G.Ramsey (Loyola Univ. Chicago). Polarized Parton Distributions for Spin Asymmetries.
M.Goshtasbpour (Shahid Beheshti Univ.). Positivity Constraint and Polarized Parton Distributions.
I.Bojak (Dortmund). NLO Corrections to the Polarized Photoproduction of Heavy Flavors.
G.Scoro (Inst. Vinca). Asymmetry of Jet Production in Polarized pp Collisions at RHIC and Sign of Delta G.
T.Morii (Kobe Univ.). A New Parametrization of Polarized Parton Distribution Functions.
Yu.Arestov (IHEP). Polarization Properties of Diffractively Produced Lambdac+.
Y.Goto (RIKEN). Gluon Polarization Measurement with Photon Detection at PHENIX.
N.Saito (RIKEN). Measurement of Anti-Quark Polarization in the Proton and its Flavor Decomposition with PHENIX at RHIC.
S.Kumano (Saga Univ.). Transversity Distributions and Spin Asymmetries.
X.Song (Virginia Univ.). Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum in the Chiral Quark Model.
L.Soloviev (IHEP). Mass Spectrum and Spin Structure of Mesons in the String Quark Model.
Spin effects at intermediate energies
V.Kanavets (ITEP). Measurements of Spin-dependent Observables in the Strong Interactions at Intermediate Energies at ITEP Accelerator.
I.Alexeev (ITEP). Amplitude Analysis of the Dipion Production on the Polarized Target.
D.Svirida (ITEP). Influence of the Spin Rotation Parameters Measurements on Spectrum and Properties of Isobars in the Second Resonance Region.
C.Lechanoine-Leluc (Univ. of Geneve). Direct Reconstruction of pp Elastic Scattering Amplitudes and Phase Shift Analyses at Fixed Energies from 1.80 to 2.70 GeV.
J.-M.Fontaine (Saclay). Direct Reconstruction of np Elastic Scattering Amplitudes Between 0.80 to 1.1 GeV.
F.Hinterberger (ISKP, Bonn Univ.). The NN Interaction: New Results From Polarized pp Scattering at COSY.
J.Bermuth (Univ. Mainz). Double Polarized Neutron Form Factor Measurement at High Q2 via $^{3}\vec{\rm He}
(\vec{\rm e},{\rm e'n})$ with the Spectrometer Facility at the Mainz Microtron.
E.Chudakov (Jefferson Lab). Measurements of the Deuteron Elastic Structure Function A(Q2) at the Jefferson Laboratory.
C.Lechanoine-Leluc (Univ.of Geneve). Spin Observables in np Elastic Scattering at PSI.
Yu.Pilipenko (JINR). Polarization at the Nuclotron.
D.Novinsky (PINP). The Contribution of the Processes of Elastic Quasielastic and Inelastic Interactions into Analyzing Scattering of Polarized Proton with Energy 700 - 1600 MeV on Carbon.
V.Sumachev (PINP). Analysis of the Spin Rotation Parameters A and R Measurements in the Region of the First and Second Maxima of the Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering Cross Section.
J.Nagata (Venture Business Lab.). Proposal of Polarized Experiments for Neutron-Proton Scattering at TL = 1.2-3.6 GeV.
A.Zelenski (TRIUMF). The TRIUMF Parity Violation Experiment in p-p Scattering at 221 MeV.
H.Dutz (Universität Bonn). First Results of the Measurement of the GDH Sum Rule at MAMI.
T.Noro (RCNP). Nucleon Medium Effect in Nucleon Knockout Reactions.
L.Zolin (JINR). Fragmentation of Tensor Polarized Deuterons into Cumulative Pions.
L.Zolin (JINR). Monitoring of Tensor Polarization of High Energy Deuteron Beams.
V.Ladygin (JINR). Analyzing power Ayy and Ay in A(d,p)X and A(d,d) reactions at large pT.
Polarized targets
V.Luppov (Univ. of Michigan). Status of the Mark-II Polarized Hydrogen Jet Target.
T.Kageya Univ. of Michigan). Atomic Hydrogen Focusing Mirror for the Mark-II Ultra-Cold Polarized Jet.
D.Toporkov (Budker INP). Possibility to Obtain a High Density Polarized Ortho-Hydrogen Gas Target.
S.Goertz (Univ.Bochum). The COMPASS Polarized Target.
G.Reicherz (Univ.Bochum). The Polarized Target for Spin Transfer Measurements on the Reaction $\bar{p} p \to \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda$.
T.Kageya (Univ. of Michigan). Polarization Measurements in Thin Foils of Deuterated Polyethylene.
Yu.Kisselev (JINR). A Polarization Method of Quadrupole Nuclei.
Yu.Plis (JINR). Frozen Spin Solid Targets Developed at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems.
C.Baumgarten (Universität München). The HERMES Internal Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets.
C.Bradtke (Universität Bochum). First Results with the New GDH-Polarized Target.
N.Anischenko (JINR). Superconducting polarizing magnet for mobile polarized target.
P.Hautle (Paul Scherrer Instit.). Polarized scintillator target.
Spin effects in high-energy hadronic reactions
L.Gordon (TJNAF)
(Presented by G.Ramsey).
Nucleon Spin Structure and Large pT Processes at pp Colliders.
V.Rykov (Wayne State Univ.). Could Large CP-violation be Detected in Polarized Proton Collisions at RHIC?
F.Murgia (INFN). Single Spin Asymmetries in $pp$ and $\bar pp$ Inclusive Processes.
Liang Z. (Shandong Univ.). Hyperon Polarization and Single-Spin Asymmetries in Different Hadronic Reactions.
N.Kochelev (JINR). Instantons and Single Spin Asymmetries.
S.Goloskokov (JINR). Spin Asymmetries in Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energies and Moderately Large Momentum Transfer.
L.Soloviev (IHEP). Single-spin Asymmetry of $\pi^0$-mesons, Produced at xF=0 in 70 GeV pp-collisions.
V.Solovianov (IHEP). RAMPEX Status Report.
Y.Makdisi (BNL). Asymmetry in Inclusive Production of $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$, p at 23 GeV (E925 at BNL).
S.Goloskokov (JINR). Spin Effects in Diffractive $J/\Psi$ and $Q\bar {Q}$ Leptoproduction.
O.Selyugin (JINR). Size of the Hadron Spin-Flip Amplitude and Energy Dependence of CNI.
A.Bates (University of Dublin). Bounds on Spin 1/2 - Spin 1/2 Helicity Amplitudes.
Acceleration of polarized beams
Yu.Shatunov (Budker INP). Longitudinal Polarized Electrons at AmPS.
H.Huang (BNL). Polarized Proton Beam in the AGS.
D.Barber (DESY). The Resonance Method for Measurement of Electron Beam Energy up to TeV-energies.
D.Barber (DESY). Fokker-Planck Description of Spin Diffusion.
V.Anferov (Univ. of Michigan). Spin Flipping with a Full Siberian Snake in a Cooler Ring.
V.Anferov (Univ. of Michigan). Synchrotron Sidebands of an RF-induced resonance.
Yu.Orlov (Cornell Univ.). Spin and Beam Dynamics in the Muon g-2 Storage Ring -- Systematic Errors.
M.Vogt (DESY). The Amplitude Dependent Spin Tune and the Invariant Spin Filed in High Energy Proton Accelerator.
A.Silenko(INP BSU). Presented by S.Cherkas Polarization of High-Energy spin 1/2 Particles in Magnetic Field.
A.Kondratenko (TDISI). Depolarization of the Proton Beam Due to Correction Elements in the Nuclotron Ring at JINR.
G.Bunce (BNL). Polarimetry and Luminosity Issues at RHIC.
I.Alexeev (ITEP). Polarimetry at RHIC.
S.Nurushev (IHEP). Inclusive $\pi^0$ Polarimeter for High Energy Accelerators/Colliders.
D.Onoprienko (Univ. of Tennessee). Quartz Fiber/Tungsten Calorimeter for Compton Polarimeter at SLAC.
K.Medved (JINR). The SMC Muon Beam Polarization Measurements.
D.Toporkov (Budker INP). The Polarimeter for RHIC Based on the Elastic pe-scattering.  
T.Pussieux (CEA Saclay). A Compton Polarimeter for Jefferson Laboratory's Hall A.
Yu.Plis (JINR). Lamb-shift Polarimeter for a Helium-3 Ion Beam.
A.Luccio (BNL). Spin Polarimetry by Undulator Radiation.
J.Price (TJNAF). Recent Measurements with the Jefferson Lab 5 MeV Mott Polarimeter.
K.Büßer (Univ. of Hamburg). Polarimetry of GeV Protons in Recirculating Synchrotron Beams.
V.Schwarz (ISKP, Bonn Univ.). EDDA as Internal High Energy Polarimeter.
A.Yershov (NPI MSU). Mathematical Simulation and Optimization of Carbon Polarimeters.
Spin effects in hadronic final states
V.Kartvelishvili (Univ. of Manchester). Hadron Spin Physics at OPAL.
P.Hansen (Niels Bohr Inst.). Polarization Measurements in ALEPH.
S.Belostotski (PINP). Study of Strange Particle Production in HERMES Experiment.
A.Efremov (JINR). First Observation of Transverse Handedness.
L.Tkachev (JINR). Study of T-odd Quark Fragmentation Function in Z0 -> 2-jet Decay.
A.Borissov (DESY). Vector Meson Production at HERMES.
M.Gomshi Nobary (Razi Univ.). Fragmentation of Polarized Heavy Quarks.
F.Meissner (DESY). Charm production at HERMES.
F.Murgia (INFN). Quark Fragmentation and Off-diagonal Helicity Density Matrix Elements.
Spin effects at high energies
H.S.Song (Seoul Univ.). Photon Polarization in Radiative Electroweak Process $e^-e^+ \rightarrow \nu_e
\bar{\nu}_e \gamma$.
S.Cherkas (INP BSU). Spin-dependent Forward Scattering Amplitude of $\Omega^-$-hyperon and Deuteron on an Unpolarized Proton in Glauber Eikonal Approximation.
V.Djordjadze (DESY). A Dual Radiator RICH Detector for the HERMES Experiment.
Polarized sources
V.Fimushkin (JINR). Source of polarized deuterons POLARIS. Operation and improvement.
A.Zelenski (TRIUMF). High-intensity Optically Pumped Polarized H- Ion Sources Development for RHIC and HERA.
A.Belov (INP RAS). Polarized Ion Sources with the Resonant Charge Exchange Plasma Ionization.
M.Tanaka (Kobe Tokiwa College). Polarized 3He ion source based on electron pumping.
D.Toporkov (Budker INP). Status of the Novosibirsk Cryogenic Atomic Beam Source.
E.Steffens (Univ. Erlangen). Study on the Formation of Intense Atomic Hydrogen Beams.
S.Lemaitre (Univ. of North Carolina). Development of a New Plasma Ionizer for Use in an D.C. Atomic-Beam-Type Polarized Ion Source.

Last revision: 30 September 1999