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SPIN98 table of contents
Plenary talks
- Opening.
- L.Pondrom (Wisconsin).
Current Status of Spin Studies.
- E.Gabathuler (Liverpool).
Experimental Review of Nucleon Spin.
- D.Crabb (Virginia).
Solid Polarized Targets for Particle Physics Experiments.
- H.Ejiri (Osaka).
Neutrino Nuclear Responses and Nuclear Medium Effects by
Spin-Polarization Studies.
- G.Fidecaro (CERN).
Early History of Spin Experiments.
- I.Savin (Dubna).
Results on Polarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering from SMC.
- E.Hughes (SLAC).
Recent Results on Polarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering from SLAC.
- A.Bruell (DESY).
Recent Results on Polarized Deep-Inelastic Scattering
from HERMES.
- V.Petrov (IHEP).
Nucleon Spin Puzzle: Ten Years Later...
- E.Burtin (DAPNIA/SPhN).
Measurement of the Strange Form Factors of the Proton Using Parity
Violation in Electron Scattering.
- A.Penzo (Trieste).
Future Spin Experiments.
- Roeck (DESY).
Future Spin Physics with Polarized Beams at the HERA Collider.
- S.Vigdor (Indiana Univ.).
Program of Spin Studies at RHIC.
- A.Bravar (Mainz).
Experimental Overview of Spin Effects in Hadronic Interactions.
- T.Roser (BNL).
Acceleration of Polarized Proton Beams.
- T.Cheng (Missouri).
Nonperturbative QCD Spin Studies.
- P.Ratcliffe (Milan).
Theory of Spin Effects in Hadronic Reactions.
- A.Masaike (KEK).
Spin as a Probe of Symmetry Measurements in Intermediate and Low
Energy Region.
- A.Efremov (Dubna).
Highlights of Dubna SPIN97 Workshop.
- D.Barber (DESY).
Acceleration and Storage of Polarized Electron Beams.
- A.Belov (Moscow).
Polarized Ion Sources for High-Energy Accelerators.
- Yu.Mamaev (St. Petersburg).
Report from LE98 Workshop.
- A.Krisch (Michigan).
Summary Talk.
Spin structure of nucleon
- O.Teryaev (JINR). Transverse Spin and Transverse
Momentum in DVCS.
- J.Le Goff (DAPNIA). A Next to Leading Order QCD
Analysis of the Spin Structure g1.
- S.Troshin (IHEP). Low-x Behavior of Spin Structure
Functions: Unitarity and Nonperturbative Hadron Structure.
- G.Ramsey (Loyola Univ. Chicago). Polarized Parton
Distributions for Spin Asymmetries.
- M.Goshtasbpour (Shahid Beheshti Univ.). Positivity
Constraint, Polarized and Unpolarized Parton Distributions in
Nucleons and Deuteron, and the Small-x.
- I.Bojak (Dortmund). NLO Corrections to the Polarized
Photoproduction of Heavy Flavors.
- G.Scoro (Inst. Vinca). Asymmetry of Jet Production
in Polarized pp Collisions at RHIC.
- H.Fischer (University Freiburg).
COMPASS, The Future Spin Physics at CERN.
- T.Morii (Kobe Univ.). A New Parametrization of Polarized
Parton Distribution Functions.
- Yu.Arestov (IHEP). Polarization transfer in
production in DIS and
- Y.Goto (RIKEN). Gluon Polarization Measurement with
Photon Detection at PHENIX.
- N.Saito (RIKEN). Determination of Anti-Quark Polarization
in Polarized pp Collisions.
- S.Kumano (Saga Univ.). Transversity Distributions and Spin
- X.Song (Virginia Univ.). Quark Spin and Orbital Contents in
the Nucleon in the Chiral Quark Model.
- L.Soloviev (IHEP). Mass Spectrum and Spin Structure of
Mesons in a Relativistic Quark String Model.
Spin effects at intermediate energies
- V.Kanavets (ITEP). Measurements of Spin-dependent
Observables in the Strong Interactions at Intermediate Energies
at ITEP Accelerator.
- I.Alexeev (ITEP). Model-dependent and Model-independent
Amplitude Analyses of the Dipion Production on the Polarized
- D.Kanavets (ITEP). Influence of the Spin Rotation Parameters
Measurements on Spectrum and Properties of Isobars in the Second
Resonance Region.
- S.Vigdor (Indiana Univ.). Exclusive Hyperon Polarization at
2.85 GeV.
- C.Lechanoine-Leluc (Univ. of Geneve). Direct Reconstruction
of pp Elastic Scattering Amplitudes and Phase Shift Analyses at
Fixed Energies from 1.80 to 2.70 GeV.
- J.-M.Fontaine (Saclay). Direct Reconstruction
of np Elastic Scattering Amplitudes Between 0.80 to 1.1 GeV.
- F.Hinterberger (ISKP, Bonn Univ.). The NN Interaction:
New Results From Polarized pp Scattering at COSY.
- J.Bermuth (Univ. Mainz). Double Polarized Neutron Form
Factor Measurement at High Q2 via
with the Spectrometer Facility at
- E.Chudakov (Jefferson Lab). Measurements of the Deuteron
Electric and Magnetic Form Factors at the Jefferson Laboratory.
- C.Lechanoine-Leluc (Univ.of Geneve). Spin Observables in
Neutron-Proton Elastic Scattering.
- Yu.Pilipenko (JINR). Polarization at the Nuclotron.
- D.Novinsky (PINP). The Contribution of the Processes of
Elastic Quasielastic and Inelastic Interactions into Analyzing
Scattering of Polarized Proton with Energy
700 - 1600 MeV on
- V.Sumachev (PINP). Analysis of the Spin Rotation
Parameters A and R Measurements in the Region of the First and
Second Maxima of the Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering Cross Section.
- J.Nagata (Venture Business Lab.). Proposal of Polarized
Experiments for Neutron-Proton Scattering at
TL = 1.2-3.6 GeV.
- A.Zelenski (TRIUMF). The TRIUMF E497 Experiment on Parity
Violation in Proton-Proton Scattering at 221 MeV.
- C.Bradtke (Universität Bonn). First Results of the
Measurement of the GDH-sumrule at MAMI.
- P.Rutt (Jefferson Lab). Determination of
GpE/GpM in
the Nuclear Medium via Recoil Polarization Measurements in the
- T.Noro (RCNP). Nucleon Medium Effect in Nucleon Knockout
- A.Nasr (Nasir Univ.). Total Disintegration of Target in
Silicon-Nucleus Collisions at 4.5 GeV/c.
- L.Zolin (JINR). Measurement of the tensor analyzing
power T20 for fragmentation of 9 GeV tensor polarized
deuterons into cumulative pions.
- L.Zolin (JINR). Monitoring of the tensor polarization
of high energy deuteron beams.
- V.Ladygin (JINR). Analyzing power Ayy and Ay in
A(d,p)X and A(d,d) reactions at large pT.
Polarized targets
- V.Luppov (Univ. of Michigan). Status of the Mark-II
Polarized Jet.
- T.Kageya Univ. of Michigan). A Mirror to Focus Atomic
Hydrogen for the Mark-II Ultra-cold Polarized Jet Target.
- D.Toporkov (Budker INP). Possibility to Obtain a High
Density Polarized Ortho-Hydrogen Gas Target.
- D.Crabb (Virginia Univ.). 6LiD as a Polarized Target in
Experiment E155 at SLAC.
- S.Goertz (Univ.Bochum). The COMPASS Polarized Target.
- G.Reicherz (Univ.Bochum). The Polarized Target for the
Experiment PS185/3.
- J.Price (TJNAF). Deuterium Targets in Strong Field.
- T.Kageya (Univ. of Michigan). Polarization Measurements in
Thin Foils of Deuterated Polyethylene.
- Yu.Kisselev (JINR). Possible Polarization of Implanted
Nuclei in a Polarized Target.
- Yu.Plis (JINR). Frozen Spin Solid Targets Developed at the
Laboratory of Nuclear Problems.
- C.Baumgarten (Universität München). The HERMES Internal
Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets.
- H.Dutz (Universität Bonn). The Bonn Internal Coil
Equipped Polarized System BICEPS, first results with the
new GDH-polarized target.
- N.Anischenko (JINR). Superconducting polarizing magnet for
mobile polarized target.
- P.Hautle (Paul Scherrer Instit.). Polarized scintillator
Spin effects in high-energy hadronic reactions
- L.Gordon (TJNAF). (Presented by G.Ramsey) Prompt Photon and
Jet Production in Polarized pp Collisions.
- V.Rykov (Wayne State Univ.). Could large CP-violation be
detected in polarized proton collisions at RHIC?
- F.Murgia (INFN). Single Spin Asymmetries in pp and
Inclusive Processes.
- Liang Z. (Shandong Univ.). Hyperon Polarization and
Single-Spin Asymmetries in Different Hadronic Reactions.
- N.Kochelev (JINR). Instantons and Single Spin
- S.Goloskokov (JINR). Spin Asymmetries in Proton-Proton
Scattering at High Energies and Moderately Large Momentum
- A.Penzo (Trieste). Structures in elastic scattering
polarization: where do they come from?
- L.Soloviev (IHEP). Single-spin Asymmetry of
Produced at xF=0 in 70 GeV pp-interactions.
- V.Solovianov (IHEP). RAMPEX Status Report.
- Y.Makdisi (BNL). Asymmetry in Inclusive Production of
p at 23 GeV (E925 at BNL).
- S.Goloskokov (JINR). Spin Effects in Diffractive
- O.Selyugin (JINR). Size of the Hadron Spin-Flip Amplitude
and Energy Dependence of CNI.
Acceleration of polarized beams
- Yu.Shatunov (Budker INP). Longitudinal Polarized Electrons
at AmPS.
- H.Huang (BNL). Polarized Proton Beam in the AGS.
- D.Barber (DESY). The Resonance Method for Measurement of
Electron Beam Energy up to TeV-energies.
- D.Barber (DESY). Fokker-Planck Methods for Studying Spin
- A.Luccio (BNL). Spin Tracking in RHIC in the Presence
of Lattice Errors.
- V.Anferov (Univ. of Michigan). Siberian snake Experiments
at IUCF Cooler Ring.
- V.Anferov (Univ. of Michigan). Synchrotron depolarizing
resonances at IUCF Cooler Ring.
- Yu.Orlov (Cornell Univ.). Spin and Beam Dynamics in the
Muon g-2 Storage Ring -- Systematic Errors.
- M.Vogt (DESY). The Amplitude Dependent Spin Tune and the
Invariant Spin Filed in High Energy Proton Accelerator.
- A.Silenko(INP BSU). Presented by S.Cherkas Polarization of
High-Energy spin 1/2 Particles in Magnetic Field.
- A.Kondratenko (TDISI). Depolarization of the Proton Beam
Due to Correction Elements in the Nuclotron Ring at JINR.
- Yu.Bashmakov (Phys.Inst. RAS). On Electron Beam
Diagnostics at Storage Ring with Internal Target.
- B.Dehning (CERN). Polarimeter at LEP.
- G.Bunce (BNL). Polarimetry and Luminosity Issues at
- I.Alexeev (ITEP). Polarimetry at RHIC.
- S.Nurushev (IHEP). Inclusive
Polarimeter for
High Energy Accelerators/Colliders.
- D.Onoprienko (Univ. of Tennessee). Quartz Fiber/Tungsten
Calorimeter for Compton Polarimeter at SLAC.
- K.Medved (JINR). The SMC Muon Beam Polarization
- D.Toporkov (Budker INP). The Polarimeter for RHIC
Based on the Elastic pe-scattering.
- T.Pussieux (CEA Saclay). A Compton Polarimeter for
Jefferson Laboratory's Hall A.
- Yu.Plis (JINR). Lamb-shift Polarimeter for a Helium-3 Ion
- A.Luccio (BNL). Spin Polarimetry by Undulator Radiation.
- J.Price (TJNAF). 5 MeV Mott Scattering Polarimeter Cell
Wall Depolarization.
- K.Büßer (Univ. of Hamburg). Polarimetry of GeV
Protons in Recirculating Synchrotron Beams.
- V.Schwarz (ISKP, Bonn Univ.). EDDA as Internal High Energy
- A.Yershov (NPI MSU). Mathematical Simulation and
Optimization of Carbon Polarimeters.
Spin effects in hadronic final states
- V.Kartvelishvili (Univ. of Manchester). Hadron Spin
Physics at OPAL.
- P.Hansen (Niels Bohr Inst.). Polarization Experiments
- S.Belostotski (PINP). Study of Strange Particle Production
in HERMES Experiment.
- A.Efremov (JINR). First Observation of Transverse
- L.Tkachev (JINR). Jet Handedness Correlation in Hadronic
Z0 Decays.
- A.Likhoded (IHEP). Polarization of Leading Hadrons in
e+e- Annihilation.
- A.Borissov (DESY). Vector Meson Production at
- M.Gomshi Nobary (Razi Univ.). Fragmentation of
Polarized Heavy Quarks.
- F.Meissner (DESY). Charm production at HERMES.
- F.Murgia (INFN). Final State Interactions in Quark
Fragmentation and Off-diagonal Helicity Density Matrix Elements
for Vector Meson Production.
- F.Simão (CBPF) Polarization of the Diffractively
Spin effects at high energies
- H.S.Song (Seoul Univ.). Photon Polarization Effects in
Radiative Electroweak Processes,
- S.Cherkas (INP BSU). Spin-dependent Forward Scattering
Amplitude of
-hyperon and Deuteron on an
Unpolarized Proton in Glauber Eikonal Approximation.
- V.Djordjadze (DESY). HERMES Dual RICH Detector.
Polarized sources
- V.Fimushkin (JINR). Source of polarized deuterons POLARIS.
Operation and improvement.
- A.Zelenski (TRIUMF). High-intensity Optically Pumped
Polarized H- Ion Sources Development for RHIC and HERA
- A.Belov (INP RAS). Polarized Ion Sources with the Resonant
Charge Exchange Plasma Ionization.
- M.Tanaka (Kobe Tokiwa College). Polarized 3He ion source
based on electron pumping.
- D.Toporkov (Budker INP). Status of the Novosibirsk
Cryogenic ABS.
- E.Steffens (Univ. Erlangen). Study on the Formation of
Intense Atomic Hydrogen Beams.
- S.Lemaitre (Univ. of North Carolina). Development of a New
Plasma Ionizer for Use in an Atomic-Beam-Type Polarized Ion
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Yuri V. Kharlov